Dr. Rev. M.S. Samuel
Church Address
136-2 7 35th Avenue
Flushing, New York 11354
Dear Brother Kurien Mathew:
Rolling for Jesus, Inc.
(Sign and Tracts Ministries)
Dear Brother:
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I am very pleased to know about your successful ministry. I still
remember your great desire to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I met you some twenty years
ago in the street of Flushing, New York, I had no idea that you were going to excel in street evangelism. Now, you
have registered Rolling for Jesus Inc. (Sign and tracts ministry) to reach the world with the good news. I pray that
you will have great success in this ministry bringing many to the foot of the cross. Yes, we must fulfill the great
commission of Jesus Christ. Congratulations and best wishes. The doors have been opened wide thus far for the gospel.
Let us labor for the Master.
Dear Brother, We are living in the last days. Many are entering into Christ less eternity. We must do what we can
within the time limit. I pray that the fire will continue to burn in you in the days to come. Time is very short. We
are approaching the great day of the Lord.
There was a time when Western Missionaries came to India to preach the Gospel. Today, by the grace of God, we are here
in the U.S proclaiming “Jesus is Lord”. Yes, we are using every available tool to bring this great message out. Our
message is Christ and Christ alone.
One of the early church fathers said and I quote “If the highest heavens my pulpit and all the world my parish, Jesus
alone would be my text”. Keep up the good work. I pray that your sign board will be everywhere in the world. Our prayers
are with you. Congratulations again.
1 Cor.15:58
Rev. Johnson Thomaskutty,
BA, BD, MTh (Serampore), ThM ), (Princeton), PhD Cand. )(Pretoria)
Professor of New Testament,
Union Biblical Seminary, Pune
Founder, MAP International,
To, Bro. Kurien Mathew,
Rolling For Jesus, Inc.
New York,
Dear Servant of God, Bro.
Kurien Mathew,
Christian Greetings!
I really enjoyed the missionary interaction with you and your spiritually motivated
family! I will never forget the days that we spent together in praying, discussing
the Biblical and visionary aspects both in person and over phone, worshipping together
at First American Desi Church in Edison
(New Jersey) which you had founded, going in one accord on the streets and corners
of Edison (New Jersey) and Manhattan (New York) for distributing Gospel tracts and
for sharing the message of Salvation to the unreached! Your unique method of presenting
the Gospel through “Tract and Sign” ministries motivated me a lot to go ahead with
such kind of ministries wherever I go! Special thanks for introducing me and exposing
me to the ministry of “Sign Board Evangelism” on the highways and byways of New
York. I was greatly impressed by your commitment for God’s work, respect for the people
of God, theme for doing missions “Go with the Word of God where Others don’t”, and
special divine initiation to “GO”, “preach”, “teach”, “baptize in the name of Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit”, and “making” Desi
people groups the disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Moreover, I appreciate
you for your interest in doing the missions through web resources, telephone evangelism,
door-to-door sharing, street preaching, spiritual counseling, and various other
involvements both in the Eastern and Western contexts. I took a look at many of your different
web-site categories and treatments and enjoyed what I saw. It looks to me like you've
done a good job! As Paul said in Romans 1:14ff, we are spiritually debtors to diverse
people groups, and we must not be ashamed of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus! Gospel
is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes! Therefore, may God
bless you further to do the work of an evangelist in the days and years ahead! I
bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Until Jesus
Rev. Johnson Thomaskutty
Dear Bro. Kurien Mathew
I met you, Brother Kurien in 1992; it was my privilege to see you standing boldly, holding a handwritten sign board
on the corner of 42nd street on 8th avenue in New York city.
It was exuberant experience to see you proclaiming and expressing the truth, "Be ready Lord Jesus Christ is coming".
I believe God has chosen you, Bro. Kurien for street evangelism, and He will keep you there as long as God desires.
He will use you in his perfect way.
All honor and glory goes to God. It was my honor that you invited me to come and help in planting new church in Edison,
NJ called First American Desi Church. I wish you all the best and my prayers are with you. May God almighty bless and
increase the work for His glory.
Bond in Christ,
Habib Samuel Ditta